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Love Like Pat

Eight years ago Pat left this world. She was someone special. She was like no one I had ever met. She was so selfless. She was an educator. She was a friend and a neighbor. She was an artist with her words, her music, her garden and with her love. She was a wife, a momma, a grandma, a sister, an auntie, and a beautiful friend to so many. She was a prayer warrior, my prayer warrior. She was a lover of people, she loved people so dang well. Now, she’s our angel.

Pat loved me. She loved me like I was her own, from day one. There was never any judgement. There was never any competition. She saw the very best in me and loved everything else about me. She chose not to see my bad. She knew that I could love the very best and everything else in her son. In a short time, she showed me how to be the most loving and supportive mother-in-law. She showed me how to celebrate these people that would eventually come into the lives of my boys. I’m so thankful to have had her example.  

Pat celebrated our love, our child and our decisions even when we did things out of order. She was the first person we told that we were unexpectantly pregnant. Gasp…before we were married. Her face told us everything that we needed to know. We were loved and our baby was loved and nothing else mattered. From that day on, there would be no more shame for me about bringing this beautiful baby into the world. I would mother with love and pride for my family, just like her.

You might wonder if your work on this earth is valued. You might wonder if your leadership matters. You might wonder if your art speaks to people. You might wonder if your love permeates. You might wonder if people can sense God’s love through you. It all matters. You might just be one person, but you’re the person God intended you to be. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, you matter to so many.

Today is always a reminder to live life on purpose. Life isn’t guaranteed. Love like it matters, it does. Love like Pat.

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